BossCover, a full range of materials for roofs, façades, building bases, ponds and green roofs. With BossCover Circular System, we are developing a complete system for circular roofs.
LRM chooses innovative 1,200m² circular roof
For the renovation of the building that houses portfolio company SOLiTHOR, the Limburg investment company LRM had its eyes on an innovative, reusable flat roof system from Tectum Group. "As an SDG climate ambassador, we want to give opportunities to sustainable innovations with this kind of investment," states Koen Nulens, head of corporate real estate at LRM.
Not only in corporate finance, but also in the construction and maintenance of its buildings, the Limburg investment company LRM resolutely draws the card of sustainability. "Circularity is a growing necessity, also in the construction sector. Closing the material cycle, reducing waste and promoting environmentally friendly solutions are essential if we want to go for a sustainable future," Koen Nulens, head of corporate real estate at LRM, starts his story. "As climate ambassador, our role is to lead by example. "When one of the roofs of the company buildings - representing an area of 1,200m² - at the Punch site in Sint-Truiden was in need of renovation, we investigated what sustainable options existed." The building currently houses SOLiTHOR, a portfolio company of LRM.
Mechanical mounting instead of glued
That search led LRM to the Tectum Group, which has come up with a circular roof solution. Rudy Evens, CEO of Tectum Group: "We came up with the 'BossCover Circular System', a roofing system that is completely dismountable and reusable. The EPDM waterproofing system is anchored and clicked in place with a patented system. On top of that, we anchor the roof edge in the same sustainable way with a patented profile, without any use of glue."
Extra long life for roofs
This innovative approach makes it possible to completely dismantle both the roof (roofing, insulation, etc.) and all system components, so that roofs can be given a new life without any damage. More specifically, this is about the integral reuse of roof materials (and thus not about recycling them as raw materials. An added bonus is its proven longevity. "EPDM is an inert material, which means it is insensitive to UV radiation and weathering. So EPDM's strong properties remain unaffected, resulting in a proven lifespan of 50 to 60 years. That is even longer than the lifespan of some buildings," says Rudy Evens with a wink.